(This is direct translation of former Burmese Immigration Officer Maung Maung’s article.)
Last of the Buddhist Arakans of Maungdaw. |
If you are one of those activists who are now wildly
hollering on the World Wide Web for the human rights of so-called
Rohingyas without really knowing the facts I would like to ask you to
take your Rohingyas into your homes.
I am neither a racist nor do I wear the cloak of a
democracy/human-rights activist. But if any of you do feel pity for
those illegal Bengali Muslims being without their own separate territory
you should put them up on your own houses and you will eventually learn
about them.
From my own experiences as a young Government
official in Arakan State in 1999 and beyond I could easily explain what
has been actually happening with these so-called Rohingyas in the
Maungdaw District the only Muslim District in Burma and also the most
westerly region of our Burma.
Located on the mouth of Nat River Maung Daw is the
provincial town of Maungdaw District which comprises the townships of
Maungdaw, Buutheedaung, and Yathetaung. Maungdaw town itself is the
westernmost town of Burma.
I could have bribed our senior officers to avoid that
borderline duty but I refused to. So I ended up taking that long trip
from Rangoon to Maungdaw through Sittwe and Buutheedaung in that 1999
To get to Maungdaw from Sittwe the State capital of
Arakan State one had to go to Buutheedaung first by a river-ferry. Our
boat left Sittwe at 8 in the morning and sailed through the Yathetaung
Township and arrived at Buutheedaung around 5 in the evening same day.
The boat followed the May-yu River and we saw the construction of
unfinished Yarmaung Bridge on the way.
Once our boat reached Buutheedaung at 5 in the evening all the port-porters coming onto the boat were the Bangalis or Khawtaw Kalars as we called them. Even back at the Sittwe Port these Khawtaws basically controlled the porter or Kulee trades. There were some Arakan or Yakhine porters but just insignificant numbers compared to the Khawtaws.
We were met by local Yakhine officials at the port
and we started in their Government vehicle on the 16 mile long mountain
road from Buutheedaung to Maungdaw. That meandering mountain road
crossing the entire width of high May-yu Ranges was at more than 2,000
feet above sea level and it was raining and windy. Also it was really
wet and very cold for us in the back of the vehicle. But the whole
ranges and the scenery by the road was eyes-pleasing green.
Maungdaw Tunnel Entrance. |
The tunnel floor was basically covered with water
seeping out of the tunnel’s rock-walls and as there were no lights
inside the tunnel all the cars were to use their headlights to travel
through the pitch-black tunnel.
Shortly after the Big Tunnel we had to go through a
shorter tunnel simply called Small-Maungdaw Tunnel. After that the
road’s sealed surface was really good and we hit the Three-Miles Gate at
the entrance of Maungdaw Town in no time.
The Three-miles Gate was controlled by The
Border-Region-Immigration-Control-Office (Na-Sa-Ka) and every traveler
had to get off the vehicle and his or her identity (National
Registration Card) checked and also his or her luggage inspected as if
one is crossing the borderline into Bangladesh.
(Translator’s Notes: Na-Sa-Ka was an
inter-departmental task force under the Home & Religious Affairs
Ministry. It includes personnel from the General Administration
Department, Immigration department, Customs Department, Police, Military
Intelligence Services, and the Army.)
Bengali Sidecar-Men at Maungdaw Town Gate. |
Back then the Chairman of the Maungdaw District
Council was Lt. Colonel Tin Hla Oo and the Head of Maungdaw Township
Council was Captain Hla Po, both were from the MIS. My direct boss was
Deputy Director Aung Kyi from the General Administration Department.
(Translator’s Notes: During the SPDC era from 1998
to 2011 every region of Burma, from the villages and wards to the
states and divisions, was administered by respective military-appointed
councils. And the chairmen of all those councils were appointed military
officers and the council secretaries were the heads of the respective
General Administration Department offices.)
After meeting other officials next day I had to go to
Na-Sa-Ka HQ at Kyi-gan-byin and introduce myself to Colonel Thet Htut
the Head of Arakan Na-Sa-Ka as administratively all the government
officers in the border regions are under the respective Na-Sa-Ka
Na-Sa-Ka basically was a MIS based interdepartmental border security organization with offices on every border region of Burma.
I then went into Maungdaw Town and its market
together with my immediate senior officer. There I hardly saw Burmese or
Yakhine faces but all Bengali faces as if I was in the neighboring
(Translator’s Notes: Burma-Bangladesh border is
too porous to stop the massive illegal entries effectively, and the
Bengali population in Maungdaw District enormously huge, the only
meaningful way to contain Muslim Bengali expansion into Proper Burma was
to basically prevent them Bengalis from leaving the Maungdaw District.
And the Three-miles Gate on the Buutheedaung-Maungdaw Road was the main
barrier in stopping the relentless Bengali tide.)
Regular meeting with other township and district
officials and widely reading various historical records of Maungdaw
region also gave me a good understanding of that alarming demographic
change from Yakhine majority to Bengali majority within a few years.
Buddhist-styled Clock Tower. |
Out of all twenty odd wards in Maungdaw Town only
Wards 1 and 3 and 4 and Shwezar Village were in the native Yakhine
hands. Both Ward-2 and most of Bomhu Village were already in the Bengali
hands. And even the Ward-1 by then was already half-swallowed by the
Bengalis and becoming a Bengali ward quickly.
Soon after my arrival in Maungdaw I had to supervise
the repairing of a bridge near Kyi-gan-byin Na-sa-ka HQ and I got a
chance to wander round the countryside. Only one village called
Aung-ze-ya Model Village was a Yakhine village, but all other villages
were Bengali villages.
Just to get a meal I had to use Bengali language so
that I could pay 800 kyats for a cooked chicken from a Bengali household
in the nearby village. All the sidecar (pedaled-rickshaw) drivers in
both Maungdaw and Butheedaung were Bengalis and they knew not a single
Burmese or Yakhine word. It was really difficult for us Burmese to
live there in our own country as we couldn’t use Burmese there at all.
What I could easily conclude was since almost all
Bengalis there couldn’t speak either Burmese or Yakhine they must not be
the natives of our Burma. And they all conspicuously look exactly like
the Bengalis in Bangladesh across the border.
My conclusion was that our Maungdaw District has been completely taken over by these illegal Bengalis from Bangladesh.
And back then in Maungdaw in 1999 I began to ponder why and how?
The obvious answer always is these Bengali Muslims
have been breeding like rabbits not just back in Bangladesh but also
here in our Burma too.
(Translator’s Note: Just look carefully at the following comparative population densities - population per square mile in 2010.
Whole Bangladesh (Muslims) 1,217
Maungdaw Township (Muslims) 870
Taungbyo Township (Muslim/Buddhists) 700
Whole Yakine State (Buddhists) 233
Whole Burma (Buddhists) 191
Like water people must naturally flow down from
the higher level of population density to the lower level of population
density. Not just natural migrant flow, the Muslim reproduction also is
much much higher than the Buddhists for the obvious religious reason.)
While average Yakhine Buddhist couple is having only
two children, nearly every Bengali Muslim man has taken four wives (many
are young Yakhine Buddhist girls) illegally and produced as many as
thirty kids as their Imams or Ayatollahs have decreed. Once the Bengali
boys hit 16 or 17 they are sent back to their motherland Bangladesh to
get their Bangladeshi passports and then go work in Saudi Arabia and
other Arab countries.
Bengali Muslim Militants (Mujahid Rohingyas). |
That is a very big money not just in Maungdaw but
also in the rest of Burma. Shouting about Burmese repression? These
Bengalis have had some local officials in their pockets by establishing
profitable businesses with them. They were even trying hard to keep most
town officials in their pockets.
Out of over 340 villages in Maungdaw District only 40
Yakhine villages were left in the year 2000 as only about ten percent
of the total 400,000 population were native Yakhines while the rest were
illegal Bengalis.
While there were only 30 Buddhist monasteries left in
the Maungdaw District in the year 2000 the Bengalis had already built
more than 300 mosques and still growing at least one a month.
Arakan State North. |
And they didn’t let their young daughters go to the government schools against the compulsory education law of Burma.
It was amazingly unbelievable that a native group of
human became absolutely extinct by being violently swallowed up by a
totally different group of human within a few years. When it comes to
serious confrontation the innately violent Muslims always win over
naturally-gentle Buddhists. The recent history of Afghanistan is the
proof of that.
Bengali Muslims in Maungdaw, Arakan, Burma. |
(Translator’s Notes: In 1985 Ahmed Shah the
Chairman of RLO - Rohingya Liberation Organization – freely distributed
many copies of his recorded cassette tape urging the Bengalis in the
Maungdaw District to drive all non-Muslims out of the District. He was
basically calling for the genocide of Yakhines and every other
non-Muslims of Maungdaw District.
His RLO also distributed in Bangladesh thousands
and thousands of leaflets with the photos of pretty Yakhine girls to
entice the Muslim Bengalis in Bangladesh to come into Burma. The
leaflets surfaced widely in Chitagong and the neighboring districts of
Bangladesh basically called starving Bengalis to come into Burma as
there were plenty of food and pretty Yakhine girls on this side of the
All RLO leaflets and Ahmed Shah’s tapes had asked
only one thing from the prospective illegal Bengalis. That was for every
Muslim Bengali Man to marry four Yakhine Buddhist women and convert
them into Islam to propagate their fanatic-fundamentalist version of
Islam in Burma.)
Maungdaw by Bangladesh Border. |
And to make the matter worse our own Prime Minister U
Nu, an expert in exploiting the religion and the race issues to extreme
for his political advantage, had brought the Rohingya issue to life
very first time during the 1960 general elections.
U Nu had offered the Bengali Muslims the ethnic
rights as Rohingyas if they voted for him in the general elections since
without Muslim votes his party would be wiped out in the Arakan State
by the opposition Yakhine parties.
(Translator’s Notes: When he won the 1960
elections in Arakan State simply by massive Muslim votes U Nu even
forced our reluctant Voice-of-Burma to broadcast a regular so-called
Rohigya Program in Bengali. He also established the Maungdaw
Special-Border-District by giving away three townships of Butheedaung
and Maungdaw and Yathetaung to his Bengalis. And he also gave all the
Bengalis including thousands and thousands of illegal Bengalis in that
district Burmese Identity Cards.
Even though Ne Win’s nationalist Army terminated
all U Nu’s bastardly acts immediately after the 1962 coup Burma still
ended up with thousands and thousands of illegal Bengalis with official
ID cards illegally issued by U Nu and now these so-called Rohingyas
loudly demanding their birth-rights are mainly the descendants of those U
Nu’s dodgy Bengalis who slaughtered the native Yakhines and took their
lands and homes in 1942.)
When I was in Maungdaw we were to be very careful
whenever we travelled through the Bengali villages during nightimes as
these Bengalis would kill any Burmese or Yakhine wandered into their
village even in the bright daylight.
Muslim burning of Buddhist houses in Chittagong. |
But their genocidal plan was timely thwarted by the local police force and the Police-Security-Battalion - Lone-Htain-Tat-Yin – stationed on the Maungdaw-Buutheedaung Road. Since then Burmese Army units have been permanently stationed in the Maungdaw district to prevent another genocidal attack by the Bengali Muslims.)
Back in late 1990s and early 2000s our Na-Sa-Ka with
the help of army units stationed in Maungdaw District had managed to
contain the Bengalis by the borderline, but there had been many
violations of border integrity because of corruption in our ranks and
various other reasons.
It could be like in that legendary fable of the Camel
and the Arab in a stormy desert. Just by letting the nostrils of camel
inside the tent we could eventually lose the whole Arakan State like the
poor Arab who was completely pushed out of his tent by the cunningly
ambitious Camel.
Bengali women defiling our Burmese Flag in front of London Embassy. |
I strongly believed it is the birth-duty of every Burmese national to defend our land, religion, and race.
If we give in to them now just because of their
respectable cloaks of human rights and democracy the problems wouldn’t
end there as there would be more and more troubles brewing for the
future as long as these Bengalis keep on breeding like rabbits and
forcefully converting our women into their tyrannical and barbarous
This is the struggle for the survival of Burma and thus for us Burmese and Yakhines a fight worth dying!
____ Hla Oo's Blog