The belief that riots in Sithwe were plotted earlier Skip to main content

The belief that riots in Sithwe were plotted earlier

The Voice Weekly
The Voice Weekly
According to the situation currently happening in Sittwe – the city of Rakhine state in Western Myanmar, Bengali Rohingyas illegal immigrants from Bangladesh had set up the terrorists plot earlier before the violence and riot broke out.

The local man said, “From what had happened until now, it is very obvious that their deadly violent and destructive actions were well plotted. Yesterday, they tried to destroy the whole village by starting to torch their own houses which could also burn down all other houses nearby in Minwon village. And then, they accused us of destroying their houses. Today, the village is militarily guarded alongside the police. After the noon, they started torching the villages of Danyawaddy, Naazi, Thantawli, Byianphyu, and Makyeemyaing on the advantage of the weak security systems”.

On 11th June 2012, the groups of Bengali-Rohingyas from Naazi and Thantawli villages took the severely destructive actions whereas the groups from Bumay village did on 10th June.
The Bengali-rohingyas from Amberi, Naazi and Bumay villages besieged the city Sittwe where there is less population of Bengali-Rohingyas rioters who had already left their houses. The problem is that the Bengali Rohingyas rioters surround the city and constantly cause the series of destructions in the areas where the security system are not strong enough to stop them. Therefore, the locals are taking up the important roles to protect themselves and also their areas. The coastal areas surrounding the city have the large population of Bengali Rohingyas residents; as the consequence, the local villagers such as the residents in Byanphyu living nearby are in the danger as these areas are not militarily protected, not even by the police. When the rioters started the destructive acting, the civic guards also arrived the scene late.

“There was no riot or problem between Bengali-Rohingyas and the local Rakhineses in the Sittwe city. But the locals were alarmed to take the actions of protecting themselves, their houses and areas followed by the torching of Bengali Rohingyas to the locals’ houses. They continued setting the fire to their houses to make the burning across to all other locals’ houses and they planned to get themselves out of the city and join other rioters while the locals were trying to extinguish the fire, or they are locked in the city. ” told by the Rakhinese.

Rohingya Terrorists setting fire Rakhinese's houses
Rohingya Terrorists setting fire Rakhinese's houses
“They are better than Rakhineses in the marine-related skills. The sea is their only way-out, so now they are planning to reach to the streams and rivers connected to the sea. The city itself is the island alike, situated in the coastal area and surrounded by the river. From the village of Bumay, all other villages with the large populations of Bengali Rohingyas rioters are at the coastal areas which support them to come to the land and escape easily. The rioters are waiting for their people inside the city to get out and join them. That is why they keep burning down the all other places near to the city to distract the locals and security forces.” told by the local Rakhinese.

The order to shoot to any rioter is already released, but no shooting at all, only gun-firing into the air to stop their violence. Some says that some rioters were arrested, but can’t say exactly how many of them. There are the additions to the security forces such as BEMP,GE,Ka-Ma-Ya 354, and other two groups, but this also can’t be confirmed. The problem is due to the lack of security forces in the areas, the locals are required to protect themselves with the bamboo sticks and other homemade weapons. These Bengali Rohingyas rioters only retreat from the areas when the forces arrive.” told by the local Rakhinese. They are continuously lasing out in a sudden and intense violence in many areas.
Apparently, all the properties in the districts surrounding to the city were burnt down by the Bengali Rohingyas rioters. Therefore, the Rakhaineses counterattacked them by torching some houses of Bengali Rohingyas in Shwepya district where all the Bengali Rohingyas had already left their houses to join their groups of riot. A Rakhinese(Arakanese) man sitting with Bamboo stick in front of his house.
Security forces approch the riot area
Security forces approch the riot area

Not only did the Bengali Rohingyas rioters from the Naazi village burn down all monasteries in the village, but they also destroyed all other monasteries such as Shwebamann, thaungdara, and Yatha Dhamma which are near to the hill of Arkyatkhun. The venerables and monks closely escaped their severe violence. Now the hundreds of these rioters are residing in the monasteries and camping to further attack to other monasteries on the hill. They tried to attack and destroy the left monasteries, but their actions were temporarily prevented by the local people from the villages near to the hill.
The Voice Weekiy
The Voice Weekiy

Today afternoon, the Rohingyas rioters of Thantawli and local Rakhineses of Byanphyu had the clash as a result of the rioters’ attempt to destroy the village. 4 Rakhineses men were chopped to death by the Bengali Rohingyas rioters. Among them, 2 corpses were taken by the Bengali Rohingyas, and only returned to the families after the request of the police and security forces to them.
A monk was wounded by Rohingya terrorists(The Voice Weekly)
A monk was wounded by Rohingya terrorists(The Voice Weekly)

The local man in Sithwe city expresses what he feels. He said “We do not understand why they commit such a violence and destruction. We are always peaceful to them as long as they are to us. Now both parties are in the lose-lose situation. We can’t do anything like earning a living, but only protecting and guarding ourselves. Both parties are running out of the foods. Now the rescue campaigns are also facing the problems of foods shortage. We do not understand at all, that why they want to create all these problems.”
A man passing through the burnt village
A man passing through the burnt village

In today morning, 5 of burnt corpses of Bengali Rohingyas were found in the district of Myothugyi near to the coastal area in Sittwe city. From the yesterday clash, there were 4 deaths of Rakhineses and 2 of Bengali Rohingyas.


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