Secretary General
United Nation Organization
New York
United States of America                                                                          15 October 2011


Dear Mr Secretary General,

We, Arakan also known as Rakhine people of the Union of Myanmar with the present population of more than 6 million have been living peacefully in the Rakhine State. Included among 135 ethnics or nationals of Myanmar, and being one of the 7 major nationals of the country, the Rakhine State represents to native Rakhine nationals and belongs to the western Rakhine coastal strip abundant with natural wealth especially of offshore and onshore oil and gas resources. Our native is worldly known as ‘Rakhine State’ or ‘Arakan State’ and we are called either as ‘Rakhine’, ‘Arakan’ or ‘Arakanese’.
Even our loss of own reign and kingdom in 1785 AD, we have uphold our own Arakan language, Arakan culture and Arakan literature with the earnest endeavor. We Rakhine are very proud of our status as devoted Buddhists whilst our land is full of Buddhist images and historic pagodas in all parts of the land, especially as of original owners of the most sacred Maha Muni Buddha Image which we believe with strong historical evidence that it was casted in the days of Buddha’s life and the Lord Buddha himself honored the Great Image as his Replica for the sake of devotement by Rakhine unto Buddhism and the Lord himself.
All history books, maps and itineraries call us as Arakan Country and Arakanese. Renown historians of the times, namely, GE Harvey, GE H Johnston, GH Luce, Dr. E. Forchhammer, Sir Arthur Phayre, G Coedes, DG E Hall, Pamela Gutman, Moris Collis, etc., have researched our Arakan history and have written so many books, articles and papers about long and strong Buddhist kingdoms of Arakan inferring our ups and downs spanning from 3325 BC to 1785 AD as well situations of pre and post independence of Myanmar on 1948.

Now, we are seeing some Bengalis who once intruded into our land by illegal means becomes to abuse our name “Arakan” and “Arakanese” as of theirs making up with fabricated histories. They are wickedly using our names, photos and landmarks in disguise of “human rights violation” in internet websites, online or offline media and any other means. Lastly they even encroached into forums of UNO and the Organization of Islamic Conference cheating the world with their utterly fabricated stories concealing about their true images, alleging Myanmar government on violation of human rights, misinforming about history, culture and religion of our Arakan Nationals. Those rascals are indeed non-Arakanese but merely a few numbers of Bengalis just seeking for financial aids from persuasive wealthy organizations and for their self interest to find better livings at any part of the world. In fact, their eventual purpose is reverse of the Arakan State to be an Islamic statehood within or out of the Myanmar territory in the pretence of so-called “human rights movements” which is easy, popular and the most persuasive topic for soft-minded and gullible listeners all around the world. Evidences are revealing that those rascal Bengalis are funded by unaccountable organizations and are highly suspected of links to terrorist groups.

Let us reiterate that Myanmar society, history and laws never include a name of so-called “Rohingya” people or national or ethnic either in the Union or in Arakan State. Our Government has clarified it in the past and now in each and every opportunity to the world. Recently again, the Union Minister of Immigration and Population of the Myanmar Government has answered at the ongoing Parliament about it that those are recognized merely as Bengalis. It is true by all accounts that they are non-national nor citizen of the Union of Myanmar visibly as of their features, skin colour, religion, language, naming, culture, custom and manners far different from Arakanese and any other Myanmar Nationals.

The true story is that their ancestors had migrated from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) as laborers into Arakan amid then booming rice trade due to open-up of Suez Channel, and in the post independence period, becomes rebels against the public namely as “Mujahit Armed Groups” killing, looting and plundering unnumbered Arakan people in the most atrocious ways evidently seen in historical pages of Myanmar.

In 1951, one “Abdul Gafar” with Bengali blood firstly invented the name “Rohon-nya” in respect of their stateless cum alien Bengalis organizing them to claim for Myanmar national hood, but it had been encountered strong objections from Arakanese and Myanmar scholars, writers and prudent people. The Government also turned it down and the following enactment of Myanmar Citizen Law of 1982 excluded them from Myanmar Nationals. However, they never abandon their purpose. Due to uncontrolled birth rate of those Bengalis, their population has been extremely grown year after year and they become trouble makers in most cases by terrorist acts not only in Myanmar but also in our neighbors and even in remote countries at the present.

We Rakhine people of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar do hereby request the Honorable Secretary General of United Nation Organization to be thoughtful of our sincere clarification about the true situations and to be intimated of our strongest objection to those rascals on their abuse of our profound names of “Arakan” and “Arakanese”, and on cheating the world with fabricating histories and stories in UN and other international forum.

Most importantly, we urge the Secretary General and all UN organizations to take account and pay attention to the human rights of Arakan (Rakhine) people, so that UN refrains from letting those fraudulent Bengalis and their supporters for abuse of esteemed UN forums.
In conclusion, please let us make our manifestation that our Arakan State, Arakan Land, Arakan Nationals and Arakan History are nothing concern of those dishonest Bengalis, and demand them for hands-off toward our beloved father land - Arakan (Rakhine) State of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Sincerely yours,

Arakan Nationals
Republic of the Union of Myanmar

CC to
Sources: Rakhapura


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