- Bhikkhu Pesala _ The Debate of King Milinda
- Dr Mehm Tin Mon _ Kamma, The Real Creator
- Dr Mehm Tin Mon _ The Right View on Life, Living and Dying
- Ledi Sayadaw _ The Manual of Buddhism
- Mogok Sayadaw _ Basic Paticcasamuppada
- Mogok Sayadaw _ Ehi Passiko
- Mogok Sayadaw _ How To Die With A Smile
- Mogok Sayadaw _ Meditation on Mind and Feeling
- Mogok Sayadaw _ The Four Noble Truths
- Penang Sayadaw _ Dawn of Buddhism
- Richard Walton _ Advanced English C.A.E
- Various Authors _ Buddhism Handbook
- U Dhammapiya _ Nibbana in Theravada Perspective
- U Revata _ A Life of True Security
- U Than Daing _ Cittanupassana and Vedananupassana
- Anandajoti Bhikkhu, ABHIDHAMMA-MATIKA, 2007
- Bertrand Russell, ABC of Relativity, London
- Bertrand Russell, The History of Western Philosophy, N.Y, 1954
- Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy
- Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not A Christian , 1927
- *Edward Judson , The Life of Adoniram Judson , Anson D.F. Randolf & , New York , 1883
- Harun Yahya, ISLAM and BUDDHISM , NEW DELHI, 2003
- P.V.BAPAT, VIMUTTIMAGGA and VISUDDHIMAGGA-a comparative study, POONA ,1937
- Sri Arthur Eggar , The Law of Evidence , Varsity Book Club , Burma , 195
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1836 – 1846 * During this period the first English-language newspaper was launched under British-ruled Tenasserim, southern Burma . The first ethnic Karen-language and Burmese-language newspapers also appear in this period. March 3, 1836 —The first English-language newspaper, The Maulmain Chronicle , appears in the city of Moulmein in British-ruled Tenasserim. The paper, first published by a British official named E.A. Blundell, continued up until the 1950s. September 1842 —Tavoy’s Hsa-tu-gaw (the Morning Star ), a monthly publication in the Karen-language of Sgaw , is established by the Baptist mission. It is the first ethnic language newspaper. Circulation reached about three hundred until its publication ceased in 1849. January 1843 —The Baptist mission publishes a monthly newspaper, the Christian Dhamma Thadinsa (the Religious Herald ), in ...