U Sein Hla Kyaw, a village chairman of Nga Ra Ba Chai Village in Pauktaw Township that was affected by Cyclone Giri, was brutally assaulted by army officer Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung in public because he failed to provide a machine boat to the officer on time. After the incident, the village chairman wrote a complaint letter to the high authorities. The letter described the facts as found below:
Regional Operations Command (Dakasa)
Sittwe, Rakhine State
Complaint to Charge Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung from Infantry Battalion 53, Rathidaung Township, for Excessively Beating U Sein Hla Kyaw, a Member of Rayaka, Byaing Thite Village Tract (Nga Rabachaing), Pauktaw Township, Sittwe District
I am a member of Rayaka, Byaing Thite Village Tract, Pauktaw Township, and also serve as the chairman of Nga Rabachaing Village. On December 2, 2010, around 7:30 pm, Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung sent a soldier to bring be back to his base, so I followed the soldier and went to his base. When I got there, he yelled, "What is it, Chairman?", and threw a plate that he was eating his dinner from at me. Then, he punched me with his right fist about 10 times. I tried to protect my face and I was hit in my hand and body. My watch and small radio I was holding were destroyed. He again kicked me in my groin with his right leg. I was in pain and ran back to my house.
When I was ordered to come to his base a second time, I was very scared and ran to the hill near my village and hid here. The soldiers then came into my village and started a door-to-door search with long sticks in their hand. The villagers got upset and stopped them. A Major, an officer of the Rifle Company who happened to be in Ngashichaing Village came to my village and asked the villagers to bring me to him. Therefore, I came down to see him. He asked me what exactly happened and I explained to him truthfully.
Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung and his company ordered me to get the boat ready for his trip to Prunphruchaing Village by 7 am, December 2, 2010. But the boat was not ready until 8 am. That is why he accused me of defaming him and beat me up.
Like other villagers, I was very busy cleaning up, repairing my house, and fixing my fishing net and boat in the aftermath of the cyclone. It took one extra hour to carry the boat to the water from my village and to mount the engine on the boat. Therefore, around 7:30 pm, Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung in Prunphruchaing Village was really drunk and unjustly beat me. Villagers were very angry with his conduct and abuse. Before I hid on the hill, the village elders had to advise villagers not to take any measures because they could also be targeted later.
Such abuses rendered on me were witnessed by U Nwah Chay, U Aung Hla Kyaw, U Zan Marm, U Naing Naing Oo, U Mayy Maung Chay, Daw Khin Nwe Aye, Daw U Nu Khin, U Kyarr Taung, and other villagers from the surrounding areas.
Therefore, I respectfully request you bring justice according to the military law for the crime committed by Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung on my behalf.
Signed by:
Sein Hla Kyaw (son of U Mra Kyaw Aung)
11/Pa Ta Na (Naing) 040483
Nga Rabachaing Village, Byaing Thite Village Tract
Pauktaw Township
Copied to:
Commander in Chief (Army), Ministry of Defense, Naypyidaw
Commander, Western Command, Ann
Chief Officer, Military Affairs Security Company, Sittwe
Commanding Officer, Infantry Battalion 538, Rathidaung
Regional Operations Command (Dakasa)
Sittwe, Rakhine State
Complaint to Charge Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung from Infantry Battalion 53, Rathidaung Township, for Excessively Beating U Sein Hla Kyaw, a Member of Rayaka, Byaing Thite Village Tract (Nga Rabachaing), Pauktaw Township, Sittwe District
I am a member of Rayaka, Byaing Thite Village Tract, Pauktaw Township, and also serve as the chairman of Nga Rabachaing Village. On December 2, 2010, around 7:30 pm, Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung sent a soldier to bring be back to his base, so I followed the soldier and went to his base. When I got there, he yelled, "What is it, Chairman?", and threw a plate that he was eating his dinner from at me. Then, he punched me with his right fist about 10 times. I tried to protect my face and I was hit in my hand and body. My watch and small radio I was holding were destroyed. He again kicked me in my groin with his right leg. I was in pain and ran back to my house.
When I was ordered to come to his base a second time, I was very scared and ran to the hill near my village and hid here. The soldiers then came into my village and started a door-to-door search with long sticks in their hand. The villagers got upset and stopped them. A Major, an officer of the Rifle Company who happened to be in Ngashichaing Village came to my village and asked the villagers to bring me to him. Therefore, I came down to see him. He asked me what exactly happened and I explained to him truthfully.
Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung and his company ordered me to get the boat ready for his trip to Prunphruchaing Village by 7 am, December 2, 2010. But the boat was not ready until 8 am. That is why he accused me of defaming him and beat me up.
Like other villagers, I was very busy cleaning up, repairing my house, and fixing my fishing net and boat in the aftermath of the cyclone. It took one extra hour to carry the boat to the water from my village and to mount the engine on the boat. Therefore, around 7:30 pm, Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung in Prunphruchaing Village was really drunk and unjustly beat me. Villagers were very angry with his conduct and abuse. Before I hid on the hill, the village elders had to advise villagers not to take any measures because they could also be targeted later.
Such abuses rendered on me were witnessed by U Nwah Chay, U Aung Hla Kyaw, U Zan Marm, U Naing Naing Oo, U Mayy Maung Chay, Daw Khin Nwe Aye, Daw U Nu Khin, U Kyarr Taung, and other villagers from the surrounding areas.
Therefore, I respectfully request you bring justice according to the military law for the crime committed by Lieutenant Kyaw Kyaw Aung on my behalf.
Signed by:
Sein Hla Kyaw (son of U Mra Kyaw Aung)
11/Pa Ta Na (Naing) 040483
Nga Rabachaing Village, Byaing Thite Village Tract
Pauktaw Township
Copied to:
Commander in Chief (Army), Ministry of Defense, Naypyidaw
Commander, Western Command, Ann
Chief Officer, Military Affairs Security Company, Sittwe
Commanding Officer, Infantry Battalion 538, Rathidaung