United League of Arakan (ULA)/Arakan Army (AA)
29 February 2016
Condemnation Letter
We solemnly condemn the groundless accusations made by the Thein Sein's government and the Burmese Army's own media and newspapers published in the 29th of February 2016 in which it is said that people who were arrested in connection with the Arakan Army (AA) were involving in the narcotic drugs trafficking.
We will never involve in producing or distributing narcotic drugs which has detrimental impact upon mankind. Nor do we encourage such activities at any rate. We believe that the accusation made by the Thein Sein’s government is only a trumped-up story and a political onslaught against the United League of Arakan (ULA)/ Arakan Army (AA) in order to lose our dignity in the international communities as the Arakan Army achieved the full support of the people.
It is just a childish and undignified manner of the so-called government arresting people in connection with the AA and forcing them to confess as the narcotic drugs distributors by torturing and using ownerless drugs. However the whole world had already learnt the fact that it is only the Burmese Army and its followers who are involving in planting, producing, trading and distributing the narcotic related drugs.
We would like to inform sincerely to all Arakaneses and those who support ULA/AA not to trust the accusations, propaganda and political dirty tricks made by the colonists Thein Sein’s government who are exploiting our natural resources. We solemnly condemn the groundless accusations made by the Thein Sein’s government which has no willingness to solve the political problems systematically. Furthermore, we also would like to inform that we are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst against the eradication plan of the Burmese Army to the Arakan army as they are accelerating their attacks on us.
Information Department
United League of Arakan(ULA)/ Arakan Army (AA)
To contact: Tel: +66 979 390 581
+86 1570 6924 970
+91 977 495 3234

29 February 2016
Condemnation Letter
We solemnly condemn the groundless accusations made by the Thein Sein's government and the Burmese Army's own media and newspapers published in the 29th of February 2016 in which it is said that people who were arrested in connection with the Arakan Army (AA) were involving in the narcotic drugs trafficking.
We will never involve in producing or distributing narcotic drugs which has detrimental impact upon mankind. Nor do we encourage such activities at any rate. We believe that the accusation made by the Thein Sein’s government is only a trumped-up story and a political onslaught against the United League of Arakan (ULA)/ Arakan Army (AA) in order to lose our dignity in the international communities as the Arakan Army achieved the full support of the people.
It is just a childish and undignified manner of the so-called government arresting people in connection with the AA and forcing them to confess as the narcotic drugs distributors by torturing and using ownerless drugs. However the whole world had already learnt the fact that it is only the Burmese Army and its followers who are involving in planting, producing, trading and distributing the narcotic related drugs.
We would like to inform sincerely to all Arakaneses and those who support ULA/AA not to trust the accusations, propaganda and political dirty tricks made by the colonists Thein Sein’s government who are exploiting our natural resources. We solemnly condemn the groundless accusations made by the Thein Sein’s government which has no willingness to solve the political problems systematically. Furthermore, we also would like to inform that we are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst against the eradication plan of the Burmese Army to the Arakan army as they are accelerating their attacks on us.
Information Department
United League of Arakan(ULA)/ Arakan Army (AA)
To contact: Tel: +66 979 390 581
+86 1570 6924 970
+91 977 495 3234
