Flood situations worsen across Myanmar Skip to main content

Flood situations worsen across Myanmar

The flood situations across Myanmar including Sagaing Region’s Kalaymyo and Pwintbyu and Sidoktaya Townships have worsened, according to reports received from local residents yesterday.

These areas still need relief efforts and local residents are facing many difficulties. Heavy rain has trigged flood, collapse of bridges, landslides, and loss of human lives across the country including Sagaing Region since July 16. 

Around 1,000 houses have been relocated after Ayeyawady River’s water level rose above danger level in Minbu and poured into wards near the riverbank

Around 1,000 houses have been moved to safer ground yesterday after the water level of the Ayeyawady River rose 1,700 cm above its danger level and flood water poured into the wards near the riverbank in Minbu, Magway Region, according to the local residents who had to relocate.

Since July 31, flood water has been entering No 2 and 3 wards and Dattawkone ward and the local residents had to relocate after the river level rose this morning. The residents have built temporary tents at Minbu No. 1 Basic Education High School and Hmankin monastery. Some of the residents have been facing difficulties as they have not been able to find temporary shelters. They have not received any aids for food and drink water up to this afternoon.

“The water kept rising while we were moving our home so our relatives had to help us carry our stuffs. I have to arrange for the relocation of my family. When there was a flood three years ago, we had to stay in the relocated area for over ten days. I still haven’t received any aids so far. We have to ask for water from houses nearby,” said a person from No. 2 ward who had to relocate to safer ground.

According to the observation made at 10:30 am yesterday, the water level of the Ayeyawady River level was at 1,701 cm. Minbu district administration office said relief aids will be provided for the local residents who had to relocate.

Tens of thousands of flood victims face food shortage as flood water remains without increasing in Pwintbyu town and its township 

After Mone Creek overflowed in Magway Township, five feet of flood water poured into Pwintbyu town and over 100 villages in Pwintbyu Township on Friday. Although flood water remains without rising yesterday, tens of thousands of flood victims have been facing food shortage, according to relief aids groups and flood victims.

Heavy rainfall from July 24 to 31 have trigged overflow of water from dams along Mone Creek and Mann Creek and local residents and animals from over 300 villages in Sidoktaya, Pwintbyu, Ngape, and Sagu townships had to relocate to safer grounds. Among these townships, Sidoktaya town and nearby villages, which are located near Mone Dam, have been facing the most difficulties in obtaining medicine, drinking water, and food. Vehicles still cannot enter these areas and communications have been cut off. Pwintbyu Township has the most number of flood victims who had to relocate after the overflow of Mone Creek. Religious, social and political organisations and governmental departments have been providing their aids, but the flood victims are still facing shortage of food and medicine.

“There are over 2,000 flood-affected people at our Kyaungtawyar Pagoda. There isn’t enough food even though we have received donations. We have to cook 90 gallons of rice per day for 2,000 people. There are people who are helping us cook, but we don’t have enough rice so we can only distribute them once a day. The water level did not rise, but it hasn’t receded either,” said Zaw Maung Maung from Kyaungtawyar Village.

Relief aids have been sent to flood victims from the villages on the other side of Mone Creek through Salin as the villages cannot be reached from Magway and Minbu. Tens of thousands of people are living in these relief camps and they are facing shortage of food and medicine.
Although the water level was 555 feet at Mone Dam on Friday, it receded by two feet yesterday. Although water did not enter inside the dam, the water from the spillways was still overflowing.  Plans have been made to move critical patients from Pwintbyu Hospital to the Teaching Hospital of Magway University of Medicine, according to officials from Minbu district general administrator’s office.

Flood hit some areas in Thaton Township and residents are monitoring possible rise in river level

Flood hit the lowland area of Durinseik village and Donewun village in Thaton Township, Mon State, and the local residents are observing possible rise in water level of the Thanlwin River and the Bilin River, according to local residents.

A local resident of Durinseik village said the residents of the lowland area of Durinseik village, Zeegone, and Kyarmanaing areas along Dunthami Creek have relocated to Tat-U monastery and community hall in his village after continuous rainfall trigged a rise in the creek’s water level since a week ago.

These areas have been affected by flood every year and the flood-affected people started moving to safer grounds since 9 pm on Friday. Around 250 people from 50 households - 34 households at Tet-U monastery and 16 households at the community hall – have been affected by flood, according to statistics from the Thaton Township general administrator’s office.

Similarly, flood water from Belin River poured into Donewun village at 8 am yesterday and up to two feet of flood water inundated the village roads. The water level descended by six inches in the afternoon after it stopped raining, according to a local resident of Donewun village.

Ayeyawady River’s water level at Nyaung Oo exceeded 29 cm above danger level, according to observation made at noon yesterday

According to observation made at noon yesterday, the water level of the Ayeyawady River exceeded 29 cm above danger level.

The danger level of Nyaung Oo is 2,120 cm and the water level exceeded 12 cm within six hours, compared to the observation made at 6 am yesterday.

“It’s not unusual for the water to rise, but it rose faster than before and we are worried about how much it will rise up to and how long it will stay,” said a local resident from Yaywin area in Nyaung Oo. Twelve local social organisations have been working together to provide relief aids to flood victims.

Natural disasters and current situations in Ayeyawady Region

Pyapon Township
“We still haven’t faced any flood. The weather is fair. The fishing boats are still out [in the sea]. There’s nothing to worry,” said Than Aung, a town elder of Pyapon Township.

Mawlamyinegyun Township

“There isn’t anything significant about the flood here. The weather is fair. None of the nearby areas has been hit by flood. I can’t say about the next days,” said Dr Kyaw San Thin, a surgeon from Mawlamyinegyun Township.

Labutta Township

“There isn’t any flood due to less rainfall. [The residents] in Pyinsalu area are a little scared of the storm. Some of them came to the town to avoid it. The situation in Tartwin farms isn’t bad,” said Than Myint from Labutta Township Regional Development and Rule of Law Committee.

Thabaung Township

“There are only areas where water normally enters. The river level hasn’t reached its danger level yet. We have formed emergency committees and allocated fund in preparedness. We are still monitoring the situation. There are only cases of water entering Yaykyikwin and Yaynatkwin. We haven’t reached a stage to worry,” said Soe Min Htut, administrator of Thabaung Township.

Kangyidauk Township

“We have prepared everything in advance. We have been closely monitoring the weirs and sluice gates and put sandbags. The water hasn’t entered and the weirs and sluice gates are still strong. The river level hasn’t reached its danger level. We are keeping a close watch,” said Ko Ko Latt, administrator of Kangyidauk Township.

Nyaungdon Township

“In Nyaungdon, the river level has exceeded its danger level, but Nyaungdon weir is serving as an obstruction against flood. We have set down sands and sandbags to prevent the water from overflowing the weir. We have been transporting sandbags to wards located beside the weir. Police outpost groups have been formed to monitor the water situation. The water has not entered so far. There’s nothing to worry for now since even the lowest part of the weir is 26 feet high,” said Thant Zin Win, chief of Nyaungdon Fire Department.

Ngapudaw Township

“Sea level rises and falls in Ngapudaw so we don’t need to worry about flood. There isn’t even any strong wind. The situation is normal here,” said Aye Kyi, an regional parliamentarian from Ngapudaw constituency (2).

Kyonpyaw Township

“Water entered the lowland areas. The township officials have warned those living in the lowland near the river. There aren’t any other significant event. Ngathine Creek weir, which is located above the town, has exceeded its danger level but there’s a river blocking between the weir and our town so there aren’t anything to worry about,” said Than Tun, regional parliamentarian from Kyonpyaw Township.

Danubyu Township

“The weir was damaged a little in the previous days so it has been repaired. The houses near the weir have been relocated. All of us helped in repairing the weir. The situation is good. The weir is secure so we don’t have to worry for now,” said Hla Myint, regional parliamentarian from Danubyu constituency (2).

Maubin Township

“We are preparing by putting sandbags. The flood water hasn’t entered inside the town. The entire road outside the weir has been inundated with flood water. Maubin would become flooded if that [weir] breaks. Now, we are monitoring by assigning water patrols. The local residents have been preparing for the natural disaster,” said Htike Htike from Maubin.

Einme Township

“In Einme, the fire department has assigned 35 firemen per day on standby. Einme would likely not suffer any damages so we have prepared to give our aid if something happened in other towns,” said a resident of Einme.   


“Flood water started entering the Strand Road in Zalun since half an hour ago. It is rising very fast. If it continues like this, the entire town will be flooded by morning. The fire department came to observe the situation and went back. The townspeople are worried. It has been raining heavily,” said Aye Aye Mar from Zalun. 


The water level of the Ayeyawady River at Sagaing was at two feet below its danger level and could reach its danger level within two days, the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology warned.

Similarly, the water level of Chindwin River at Mawlaik was at 43 cm (under 1 foot) below its danger level and could reach its danger level within 24 hours, according to observation made at 3 pm on Friday.

Currently, the water level of the Ayeyawady River has exceeded its danger level in Hinthada and Nyaungdone and the water level of the Chindwin River has exceeded its danger level by 4.5 feet in Kalaywa. The water level of the two rivers in those cities could remain above danger level for the next three days. The water level of the Ayeyawady River is expected to reach danger level in Sagaing, Pakokku, Minbu, Magway, Aunglan, Pyay, Seiktha, and Zalun. According to yesterday’s observations, the water level of the Ayeyawady River at Mandalay may rise up to 1,169 cm and is expected to increase.


Since July 29, the Thanlwin River reached its danger level and flood water inundated lowland wards in Hpa-an. Nine relief camps have been opened and according to statistics received at 1 pm yesterday, 1,104 households with over 5,899 people are taking shelter at the relief camps.

The relief camps have been opened at Shweyinhmaw Pyitaw Pagoda, Township Gymnasium, Aungthanlwin Football Stadium, Islamic Philanthropic School, B.E.H.S (3) Gymnasium, Thumaydar Kyartawya, B.E.H.S (3) branch, Township Kamahtan, and Hlakuu (dock). Brigade 22, military regiment, General Hospital, education staffs from B.E.H.S (1) and B.E.H.S (2), fire department and Township Development Committee have been providing health and education besides the required rice, oil, drinking water, Mama instant noodles, eggs, and clothes.

“Taungkalay Sayadaw has donated three Pyi of rice to each household for all the flood victims inside the whole township and other organisations and donors have also come to make donations,” said No. (2) administrator of Hpa-an.

Chin State

Continuous rainfall in the Chin Hills since the last week of July and heavy flow of mountain stream have washed away Chaychaung Bridge on the road connecting Pakokku and Saw and southern Chin State and vehicles cannot be traveled on the road.

“It rained for ten straight days. It rained heavily on the mountain so the mountain stream flow became bigger than previous years. Part of the bridge was washed away on the 29th and it got washed away more on the next days. People and vehicles cannot cross anymore,” said Myint Maung from Kangyi village.

Some houses in the lowland areas of Saw Creek have also been relocated due to heavy flow of mountain stream. Bailey bridges have also been damaged due to heavy flow of mountain streams between Pakokku and Htilin. 


The water of the Ayeyawady River exceeded its danger level in Aunglan and households in Thayettaw, Bogone, Sanchaung, Zaygone, Kangyi, and Satyone wards have been inundated with flood water and over 1,000 households have sought shelter at relief camps and their relatives’ homes on safer ground.

Similarly, the whole Yaypawkyun village in Thayet Township was inundated and the villagers had to relocate. There have been some causalities in Kanma Township after flood water from Mindone Creek, Maday Creek, and the Ayeyawady River entered most of the villages, according to local residents.

“Villages like Gonetaung and Yayletaung have been relocated. A sixteen-year-old person near Kanyindine village was washed away by flood water on the 31th,” said a person conducting rescue works. 

The water level of the Ayeyawady River continues to rise above its danger level in Pyay in western Bagon Region and nearly 400 households have been relocated.

“The river level kept rising. The current watermark is the one measured in the afternoon. It is still rising. We will announce a confirmed watermark at 6:30 pm,” said an official from the district department of meteorology and hydrology.

Currently, over 500 people are taking shelter at Shwepalinhmaw Community Hall, 326 people at Warso school, 157 people at Phoekaung elementary school, 170 people at Nawinmulun and around 201 people at Wayonetaryoe, according to statistics from township administrations. 



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