Responses of some Arakanese leaders upon the statement of Union Minister for Energy that there is no plan to use Arakan gas for Arakan
Narinjara News
Maung Rammar reports.
In Pyithu Hluttaw on September 27, U Ba Shin, a Pyithu Hluttaw Representative from Kyauk Pru asked if there is any plan to distribute electricity to Kyauk Pru using natural gas from Shwe Natural Gas deposits located about 25 miles from the township. In his reply to the question, Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay said that natural gas obtained from Shwe Natural Gas fields will be exported to China through the Burma-China natural gas pipeline and gas cannot be used against the China-Burma agreement.
The opinions of some Arakanese leaders on the statement made by Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay were solicited by Narinjara and gathered together here as follows:
U Aye Thar Aung
General Secretary of Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)
Secretary of Committee of Representing People’s Parliament (CRPP)
In Pyithu Hluttaw on September 27, U Ba Shin, a Pyithu Hluttaw Representative from Kyauk Pru asked if there is any plan to distribute electricity to Kyauk Pru using natural gas from Shwe Natural Gas deposits located about 25 miles from the township. In his reply to the question, Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay said that natural gas obtained from Shwe Natural Gas fields will be exported to China through the Burma-China natural gas pipeline and gas cannot be used against the China-Burma agreement.
The opinions of some Arakanese leaders on the statement made by Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay were solicited by Narinjara and gathered together here as follows:
U Aye Thar Aung
General Secretary of Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)
Secretary of Committee of Representing People’s Parliament (CRPP)
Dr. Aye Kyaw (U.S.A)
Dr. Khin Maung
Chairman of National Union Party of Arakan (NUPA)
Vice-Chairman I of Arakan National Council (ANC)
Daw Saw Mra Raza Lurn
Chairwoman of Arakan Women Union
Ko Tun Zaw
Joint Secretary I of All Arakan Students and Youth Congress (AASYC)
Ko Wong Aung
Global Coordinator of Shwe Gas Movement
Summary of Shwe Gas Project
The Ministry of Energy and Daewoo International Corporation started the oil and natural gas exploration off the coast of Arakan. In 2004, the huge natural gas deposit called “Shwe” was found and the efforts to extract were later undertaken to produce economically.
It is estimated that over 2,900 million dollars of revenue will be generated annually. While the Arakanese (the sole owner of the oil and gas) believe that some profits from the Shwe gas should be used for the development of Arakan, Union Minister for Energy U Than Htay spoke up that there is no plan to use Arakan gas for Arakan causing tension between the government and Arakanese.