The U.S. Congress requires each new administration to release a plan for use of nuclear weapons.
In an interview with The New York Times Monday, Mr. Obama said his new policy would be part of a broader effort to work toward a nuclear weapons-free world.
The newspaper said the new policy would renounce the development of new weapons and, for the first time, explicitly say the United States will not use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries that are in compliance with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Mr. Obama said he would make exceptions for what he called "outliers," such as Iran and North Korea, who have violated or renounced the international treaty.
Mr. Obama goes to the Czech Republic Thursday to sign a new arms control agreement with Russia. It reduces by about one-third the number of nuclear weapons either country could deploy.
Next week, Mr. Obama hosts a two-day global nuclear security summit in Washington. A White House spokesman says the president will focus on "locking down loose nuclear material," so it does not fall into the hands of terrorists or dangerous states.
In an interview with The New York Times Monday, Mr. Obama said his new policy would be part of a broader effort to work toward a nuclear weapons-free world.
The newspaper said the new policy would renounce the development of new weapons and, for the first time, explicitly say the United States will not use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries that are in compliance with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Mr. Obama said he would make exceptions for what he called "outliers," such as Iran and North Korea, who have violated or renounced the international treaty.
Mr. Obama goes to the Czech Republic Thursday to sign a new arms control agreement with Russia. It reduces by about one-third the number of nuclear weapons either country could deploy.
Next week, Mr. Obama hosts a two-day global nuclear security summit in Washington. A White House spokesman says the president will focus on "locking down loose nuclear material," so it does not fall into the hands of terrorists or dangerous states.